
Mit den Stratasys PolyJet-3D-Druckern können viele Tausende von Farben aus einer breiten Materialpalette mit großer Farbanpassung, Textur-Mapping und Farbverläufen gedruckt werden. Mit farbigem 3D-Druck erstellen Sie Prototypen, die wie die Endprodukte aussehen, sich anfühlen und funktionieren. Dadurch verbessern Sie die Präsentation Ihrer Entwürfe und sparen Sie Verzögerungen und Kosten aufgrund manueller Nachbearbeitung.

Die J-Serie ist zudem PANTONE-validiert und macht die Farben des Pantone Matching Systems (PMS) erstmals in 3D-Druck verfügbar. Dadurch gibt es zur Festlegung, Übermittlung und Kontrolle der Farbe eine universelle Farbsprache von der Inspiration bis hin zur Umsetzung mit einem einzigen Klick in GrabCAD Print. Die J-Serie kann in RGB, CMYK, Pantone oder virtuell erstellten Mustern drucken.

Im vorliegenden Abschnitt finden Sie Informationen zu Farben, wie z. B. Kurzbeschreibungen, Fallstudien, Anleitungen, Tutorials für GrabCAD und Vieles mehr.

Klicken Sie hier für ein umfassendes Glossar zu Farbbegriffen.

Italdesign Making the Impossible Possible - DE PolyJet Case Study

Founded in 1968 in Moncalieri, Italy, Italdesign is best known for its automotive design work for both concept and production cars. As an established supplier to the automotive industry's foremost brands, the company has a number of design and production sites across Italy, Spain and Germany. At the Barcelona division, the R&D team has built a strong reputation for its creative design techniques and deployment of innovative technologies to bring their concepts to life.

10 Jan 2020 | 5.06 MB | pdf

John Mauriello Sunglasses Prototype - DE PolyJet Case Study

Industrial designer John Mauriello was able to create over 100 unique color prototypes with J55 PolyJet 3D Printer.

17 Dec 2023 | 3.42 MB | pdf

Karcher Innovative Prototyping - DE Case Study

Kärcher is a leading provider of cleaning technology worldwide. With a continually updated portfolio comprising products that are less than five years old, the company constantly optimizes and redesigns the best solutions for its customers. With this level of throughput comes a strain on design and production cycles, as the company needs the best results possible in limited time frames. Needing to design its latest product with unique aesthetics and functionality, Kärcher found that Stratasys PolyJet technology proved the ideal solution to speed up its prototyping processes and ensure product development times were maintained.

22 May 2019 | 1.38 MB | pdf

Microsoft Fail Fast - DE PolyJet Case Study

Learn how Microsoft is accelerating their product development with Stratasys PolyJet™ Technology.

20 Sep 2023 | 2.43 MB | pdf

Thinkable Studio - DE PolyJet Case Study

Thinkable Studio entwickelt neue Produkte für internationale Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konsumgüter, Industrietechnik und Medizintechnik. Es ermöglicht die vollen CMF-Fähigkeiten (Color, Material, Finishing) des 3D-Druckers J55 die Herstellung von Prototypen mit bisher unerreichtem Realismus.

9 Jun 2021 | 1.35 MB | pdf

Brooks Running Happy - EN Polyjet Case Study

Footwear manufacturer Brooks Running uses its Connex3 3D Printer for in-house prototyping and fast design validation. The company estimates it saves at least $500 per shoe design and halves its design validation with rapid prototyping.

24 Aug 2019 | 1.18 MB | pdf

Game Controller - EN PolyJet Case Study

18 Jul 2020 | 1.26 MB | pdf

Google Jacquard - EN PolyJet Case Study

ENGLISH | Google's ATAP team utilized Stratasys PolyJet 3D printing technology to develop the Jacquard wearable platform, which integrates motion-sensitive tags into everyday items like jackets, shoes, and backpacks. PolyJet's versatility allowed for rapid prototyping of multi-material and multi-color components, reducing lead times from weeks to a single day. The technology enabled precise customization, such as replicating textures like leather or wood, while maintaining high fidelity and functional performance. This streamlined process saved significant time and costs during development while enhancing the design flexibility needed for innovative wearable devices that seamlessly blend into users' lifestyles.

22 Dec 2021 | 6.76 MB | pdf

Innodesign - EN PolyJet Case Study

Innodesign from Monochrome to Photorealism - EN PolyJet Case Study.pdf

18 Jul 2020 | 1.49 MB | pdf
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Interface Overview - KeyShot
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Exporting for 3D Printing - KeyShot

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