- Impresoras PolyJet antiguas
- Alaris30 V1
- Connex260
- Connex350/500
- Eden250
- Eden260
- Eden260V/VS
- Eden330
- Eden350
- Eden350V/500V
- J700 y J720 Dental
- J750/J735
- J750 Digital Anatomy
- Familia Objet24/30 V2
- Familia Objet24/30 V3
- Objet30 V5 Pro y Prime
- Objet260 Connex 1-2-3
- Objet260 Dental/Dental Selection
- Objet350/500 Connex 1-2-3
- Objet1000 Plus
- Materiales PolyJet
- Familia Agilus30
- Materiales biocompatibles
- Material biocompatible transparente MED610
- Materiales dentales
- Materiales dentales TrueDent
- Materiales dentales TrueDent-D
- ABS digital Plus
- DraftGrey
- Elastico Clear/Black
- Alta temperatura
- Soporte PolyJet
- Rigur y Durus
- Tango
- Materiales transparentes
- Vero ContactClear
- Familia Vero
- Veroflex
- VeroUltra opaco
- Colores vivos
- Materiales para estereolitografía
- Somos® 9120™
- Somos® BioClear™
- Somos® DMX SL™ 100
- Somos® Element™
- Somos® EvoLVe™ 128
- Somos® GP Plus™ 14122
- Somos® Momentum™
- Somos® NeXt™
- Somos® PerFORM™
- Somos® PerFORM Reflect™
- Somos® ProtoGen™ 18420
- Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120
- Somos® Taurus™
- Somos® WaterClear® Ultra 10122
- Somos® WaterShed® AF
- Somos® WaterShed® Black
- Somos® WaterShed® XC 11122
Certificate of Conformity
A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) accompanies our 3D printing materials, assuring customers of adherence to industry standards. This document verifies that the purchased materials meet defined quality and safety criteria, enhancing transparency and trust in our commitment to delivering reliable and compliant products.
*Stratasys maintains lot specific traceability to supplier raw resin lots.
The result
no data found
The result
Part number
Spool Date
Spool Lot
The result
no data found
The result
Material Item Number
Material description
Lot #
Lot Origination Date
Expiration date